
Plant of the month:  Biden’s bipinata, aka “Spanish Needles.”

You hate this plant because it loves your dog!  Its little black needle like seeds attach to anything that touches them.  But, did you know that this is a valuable medicinal plant, and has a place in many apothecaries?

Salve Making Workshop

Class is limited to 8 participants.

Topical herbal treatments can be a gentle yet effective way to winter’s itchy, dry, dull skin. Salves are actually very simple to make at home, and not only nourish your skin, but can also create a gentle seal that protects and helps your skin absorb nutrients.

Join us on Saturday, December 10 and learn how to make your own salves. Participants will take home a 4 ounce container of personally prepared salve. The $25 workshop fee includes plants, organic oils, and any essential oils. Class is limited so please call to reserve your spot.

Email: ch*******@ra**********.love
CALL OR TEXT : 831-706-0656

I include it in my Lyme protocol. 

And, it is powerful as a systemic antibacterial and anti-inflammatory “specific for mycoplasma (a co-infection of Lyme) infections that are affecting the mucous membranes, whether respiratory or urogenital” (Healing Lyme Disease Coinfections, Stephen Buhner).

Where can you find this wonderful plant? 

Well, if it isn’t already growing around your house, you can find a healthy patch along roadsides in Patagonia.  Just head to the Paton Center and look along the road.  

Dosage:  Fresh plant tincture 45-90 drops in water, up to 4x/day.

For acute conditions (malaria, staph) take ¼-1tsp up to 1tbs in water up to 6x/daily for 28 days.

Contraindications: Buhner cautions, “If you are on diabetic meditation exercise caution as it will alter blood glucose and insulin levels.”

Now, get out there and love your Bidens!